Seaside Park Hotel****, Kołobrzeg
Seaside Park Hotel****, Kołobrzeg
Power Weekend 15-17.11

Event details

September 2024
September 2024
15 November 2024

Join us for an extraordinary Power Weekend, where you can combine intense workouts, relaxation, and unforgettable fun with your family or friends. Our incredibly positive trainers will boost your motivation and fill your day with endorphins.

What’s in store for you?

  • Friday: Start the weekend with a delicious dinner, an evening yoga session with Maja Wasylów, and end the day with healthy snacks during a networking event.
  • Saturday: Begin the day with morning Animal Flow with Ola Zadka, followed by spinning, swimming training with Katarzyna Krupiak, meditation, and a relaxing sauna session with a Tibetan bowls concert.
  • Sunday: Light jogging to kick off the day, buffet breakfast, and a closing Q&A session with the trainers to wrap up the weekend.

The package includes:

  • Participation in Power Weekend activities
  • Accommodation in comfortable rooms with a balcony, kitchenette, and Wi-Fi
  • Meals: Buffet breakfasts and dinners with drinks included
  • Parking: A parking spot for your car
  • Sports activities: Unlimited access to the wellness area, fitness center, winter swimming, and fitness classes
  • Discount: 10% off SPA treatments
  • For children: Animation programs, the Pirate’s Room, board games, and an Xbox gaming area

Who is it for?
For everyone – families with children, groups of friends, both beginners and advanced participants. It’s a perfect opportunity to get your body moving, relax, and spend time with energetic people.

Click here for more information about the activities!

Don’t miss this energy-filled weekend – join us and enjoy moments full of joy and relaxation!

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